Piazza della Repubblica Florence
One of the most famous squares in Florence (Firenze)

Piazza della Repubblica Firenze with its antique-looking carousel is one of the most famous and liveliest squares in Florence.
Piazza della Repubblic, republic square of Florence
If you come to see beautiful squares, you can indulge yourself in the Tuscan capital. Besides famous squares such as the Piazza del Duomo and the Piazza della Signoria, you can also visit the Piazza della Repubblica. It offers an interesting history and you can also recharge your batteries at one of the fine restaurants there. In Roman times it took a more prominent place with bathhouses, temples, forums and markets in this square.
The neglect of the Piazza
After the year 1000 the function of the square changed drastically. First came a market, which was soon called the old market. In 1600 Cosimo I had a ghetto made of the square for the Jewish Florentines. The current republic square was only designed between 1865-1871, when Florence was the capital of Italy. Due to the redevelopment of the city, Il Risanamento, this section was demolished and then redesigned into the rectangular square as we know it today.

The reason for redesign
On the long side of the square, you will see a dominating triumphal arch in honor of King Vittorio Emanuele II. The reason for the redevelopment is stated on this large triumphal arch: The old center of the city, desolate for centuries, brought to new life. Previously, the Piazza Repubblica was not the most pleasant area in the city, but after the redesign it is because of the antique-looking carousel, posh shops, coffee houses and hotels.
The Colonna dell’Abbondanza
In the middle of the square you will find the Colonna dell’Abbondanza or the Column of Plenty. This pillar symbolizes prosperity and happiness. The pillar marks the precise center of the city and that is why the Piazza della Repubblica is also called the navel of Firenze. On the column you will find the Lady with the Cornucopia, a replica of Donatello's original.
Where is the Piazza della Repubblic in Florence?